The leading rule for the lawyer…is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. - Abraham Lincoln

Represent Your Clients on a Premier Level

Be part of an organization that champions excellent service and an unwavering focus on clients.

The National Academy of Jurisprudence (NAJ) has a mission to promote and support the work of trial attorneys in each and every state in the U.S. as they work to ensure their clients’ justice. Through our invitation only organization, we provide trial attorneys with valuable resources allowing them to represent their clients on a premier level. We do this by providing exclusive benefits and access to nationwide network of premier attorneys.

Benefits That Matter

Gain access to discounts, promotions and memberships that actually make a difference in your ability to provide excellent service.

Not only does the NAJ give our members access to a network of other premier attorneys from across the country, but it also provides excellent benefits that can be used to promote and support our member’s work. Benefits include discounts and memberships to services such as website design, research centers, insurance and car rentals. Our goal is to provide each of our members with the support they need to continue to offer premier service to their clients.

What Does it Mean to be Premier?

Know that you are distinguished and recognized because of your commitment to serving your clients.

The attorneys selected as Premier 100 Trial Attorneys by the National Academy of Jurisprudence have been recognized as leading Trial Attorneys in the United States.  Members of the Premier 100 Trial Attorneys have satisfied stringent criteria and standards as established by the NAJ Board of Directors. Of the 1.2 million attorneys currently active in the U.S., less than 1% are selected to receive the NAJ Premier 100 designation.

Featured Attorneys*

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*Featured Attorneys is not a paid designation and changes on a monthly basis. Featured attorneys are cycled randomly from NAJ Premier 100 designation attorneys.

– A Letter to Our Members –

“As an esteemed member of the American Academy of Trial Attorneys, we thank you for being an integral part of what makes our association great and hope that your membership continues to bolster your practice as a trial attorney. We welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have that you feel would strengthen our organization. Such response is highly valued and closely reviewed for implementation.

In an effort to better distinguish our membership and association goals from other organizations, we are announcing a change in our name. Going forward, we will be known as the National Academy of Jurisprudence (NAJ). We feel that this name better suits our cause and is more in line with our goals and focus.

To be sure, our core values and mission will remain the same: to promote and support the work of trial attorneys in each and every state in the U.S. as they work to ensure their clients’ justice.

One way the NAJ sets itself apart from the crowd is by providing excellent benefits, specifically tailored for our members, which can be used to promote and support their work.  These benefits will remain intact, as will our strong online presence, including social media and website directory. Members will continue to receive monthly correspondence with intriguing articles and featured benefits.

It is important to us that we build a strong foundation now, so that we can continue to sustain growth for this determined association in the future. Our membership has already increased to over 750 attorneys nationwide and we expect that number to double in 2016. As always, member nominations are individually reviewed and scrutinized before membership is granted.

Again, we thank you for your dedication to the association and hope that we can continue to build a strong relationship to help recognize and fortify excellence in jurisprudence across the nation. This change is effective immediately and we will begin making the necessary changes to the site and member profiles.” Sincerely, The NAJ


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